Thursday, January 31, 2013

Scribe Post 1/31/13

To Be Continued...

We started off class today with the beautiful image above, because OB was slacking and gave us no direction. The skilled author Francie Merril, came up with the image in her multitudes of extra time as she and the CHRHS Math Team dominated the competition, coming in second place overall. Well done ;)  Clearly, everyone should join the math team for more fun times like this. 

The class started with a festive Valentines Day exploration (two to be exact), that you can find right here:

...and looks like this:

We were given approximately 10 minutes (uninterrupted except by an interjection from Becca at the back of the room who was offended when Sarah chose her "eye candy" over her best friend for the task of tackling the exploration) with a partner to try out the problems, the first side dealing with general definite integrals, and the second with the Trapezoidal Rule, which will be mentioned in detail latter in the post and was alluded to in IW #6.

Here are a few notes about the Valentines Sheet:

Side #1

First thing's first; know what type of graph your dealing with! In this case it is velocity. Second thing to check is the units and scale, in this case meters/second and seconds. Also, remember D= S * T  , or the area underneath the function. This is how you can solve the first question. 

1) 1,200
2) estimates between 27-28 squares
3) Each square is = 50ft (Check the scale!) 
4) 1,420

During the discussion about this side of the exploration, Alex W. was on target in explaining 
that symbolically the function in definite integral form would look like: 

with the 'S' being the integral sign, the first part of the integral (lower one) on the bottom, in this case 0 and the second part (higher one) on the top, in this case the 20. Those two values are called the limits. The other parts of the definite integral form are detailed in the image above. 

OB posed an interesting question however (couldn't just let a student get the entirely of a question right without trying to confuse him/her with another part to the question), which was "Why do we need to include the (dt)?" Well, the function needs to take into account B * H . With indefinite integrals (regular integrals) this is unnecessary, but since it is here the (dt) has more meaning because the B * H aspect comes form the elongation because it is a summation of rectangles, a Riemman's sum

We also looked at the graph towards the end done on the board:
Checking units again, its inches squared times inches. We discussed how a cross sectional cut of a football would look like...a circle? a sliver? and finally arrived at a diamond shape. When calculating cross sectional area of anything, there won't be much to calculate, but Mr. O'Brien pointed out that the more you take of the football, the more the curve goes down and then down some more until the get to the middle, where the cross sections then get smaller, since the football is symmetrical. 

If you think about it, its like geometry! Think about finding the volume of a cylinder, you would use the formula . In that case of this one, the base is the main variable, and when you sum it all up, the volume is the same as the definite integral.

The last note on the first side was that you should ALWAYS TRY TO GET: graph --->  analytical function ---> calculator. 

Side #2

OB didn't post answers to these explorations (  :(  ), and this one wasn't gone over in as much detail, so solutions can be found on the internet is needed. 

We started a discussion about why you would ever use trapezoids instead of rectangles. Being the lazy senioritis infected seniors most of us are (proudly), we gave the simplest possible answer first that seemed like what OB might want to hear: the trapezoids must be easier to work with. **Wth?** We didn't think that one through....the next attempt however was much better, as we decided that the method must be overall more accurate, which it is

***Trapezoids underestimate for functions that are concave down and overestimate for concave up, however still, more accurate most times than rectangles can be!***

Here is where we started playing with calculating trapezoidal sums on GeoGebra, which will be detailed more later in this scribe post. It was important to note however that the heights always stay the same, the base varies. When you sum them all up, you get your answer. 

How do limits tie into all this? The limit is the actual value, which on GeoGebra you can do by typing in the 'integral' command. You can get that, and the trapezoid answer and note the difference in error. 

A few last things to note on the end of this back side:

  • If it asks you for the fastest ____? Look at the maximum. 
  • Rate of change =derivative
  • This function comes slowly to a stop

 After all this, we began...

1) Become more comfortable with Riemann's Sums and Definite Integrals
2) Be able to use resources (calculator and GeoGebra) to solve such problems
3) Get a full grasp on the analytical vs. visual (graphic) interpretations of definite integrals 

Let's recap for a second.....


Def-i-nite In-te-gral 
***An integral expressed as the difference between the values of the integral at specific upper and lower limits of the independent variable.***

Although that definition is the dictionary's interpretation, it nicely and simply sums up the book's definition and the equation below:

Remember, the function f(x) must be continuous and have an interval divided into n sections (which Mr. O'Brien says don't actually have to all be the same width because either way the values will be approaching 0 as they get smaller and smaller, and as any one of the rectangles approaches the limit the values will converge). Also, the  is simply the chosen point. 

  • To solve definite integrals on your calculator, refer back to Anna's scribe post

  • To practice some definite integrals and do some Chocolate-Studded Dream Cookie baking, here is a (yummy) activity! (someone should do this and bring these in...or make OB do it...HINT HINT)


Next, Mr. O'Brien asked everyone to get out their IW #6 and fire up GeoGebra. The topic of discussion, with five main subtypes  was: 

Rectangle Approximation Methods (RAM)

  1.  MRAM (Midpoint Sum):  The midpoint method takes the midpoint of a single, normal Riemman's bar and uses it to approximate the height of that bar a MRAM analysis. 
  2.  LRAM (Left Hand Sum): Using a left hand sum, the point farthest to the left on each normal Riemman's bar is the determiner of height for the bars. 
  3.  RRAM (Right Hand Sum): Using a right hand sum, the point farthest to the right on each normal Riemman's bar is the determiner of height for the bars.
  4.  Upper RAM: uses highest possible rectangle values.  These points may be sometimes more left, right, or in the middle of the normal 'Integral' function bars GeoGebra can also generate, depending on where that upper point is.
  5.  Lower RAM: uses lowest possible rectangle values.  These points may be sometimes more left, right, or in the middle of the normal 'Integral' function bars GeoGebra can also generate, depending on where that low point is.

There is also the promised trapezoidal sum, which is obviously separate from the above rectangular methods. On GeoGebra, trapezoidal sums can be taken unlike on your calculator, and are found by inputing the following:

TrapezoidalSum[ <Function>, <Number a>, <Number b>, <Number n> ]

We practiced finding the trapezoidal sum graphically on GeoGebra with one of the equations from the exploration. Here is what mine looked like: 

The slider function for n allowed us to come to the conclusion that as n gets larger, the integral gets smaller, until finally if you set your slider to a Max of 100 and approach it, the area under the function appears to be almost completely shaded in by the very close bars.  
 So taking a step back, what is the difference between rectangle and trapezoidal methods?  

Well, the first three sums in value are picked to make rectangles, whereas in trapezoids you divide into the number and take a point at beginning and end.

 For midpoints you take the point in the middle of each interval, and thats the value you use to find the height of the rectangle. (see image below)

 The advantage of the midpoint method is  that if the function is increasing or decreasing you get some of the area that is missed and added to balance themselves out, lowering overall error. 

The sum from the left or right, take points to the left or right of interval as evident in the names. Using left it is important to note that you are overestimating when the function is decreasing or underestimating when it is increasing. Consequently, using the right sum (in right it is the opposite: overestimating when the function is increasing and underestimating when the function is decreasing.  Below are, in order from left to right, the images of these sums draw on top of the 'definite integral' function on GeoGebra. 

After this, using the methods for inputting (below) into GeoGebra listed in the same order as above, we took time to play around and try to use all of these functions. To see the first three rectangular approximation methods in an interactive way, click here.

  1. RectangleSum[ <Function>, <Start x-value>, <End x-value>, <Number of rectangles>, <Position>]
  2. LeftSum[ <Function>, <Start x-value>, <End x-value>, <Number of rectangles>]
  3. UpperSum[ <Function>, <Number a>, <Number b>, <Number n> ]
  4. LowerSum[ <Function>, <Number a>, <Number b>, <Number n> ]

While the interactive applet above this shows the first three, Cal skillfully got all five rectangular approximations not only correctly inputed with a slider, but also interactive..take a look!

Murmurs of #PrettyMath went around. 

Mr. O'Brien added a last comment that rectangles of error never change in height, only in base (EX: entire 0-10 interval divided by number of rectangles).  

Now that we'd visually played with Riemman's Sums, definite integrals, and found the prettier side of math, we moved on to practice problems.

EX #1: The interval   is partitioned into n subintervals of length . Letdennote the midpoint of the subinterval. (note the correction from the wording from the picture with actual equations below)


The first problem is designed to scare you, Mr. O'Brien explained. “Horribly scary, scarily, scary, AHHHH” says OB to be exact. This is asking for an evaluation of the limit of a sum.... of craziness. 

CROSS YOUR FINGERS its a Riemman sum, and you can use the definite integral and your calculator to solve.

But how do you know if its a Riemman sum? If the function, representing the height, and the  
  representing the base are present and  the variables can be substituted out for simpler 'x' s, can you find the interval? In this case, can you find the definite integral on the interval from  of  ? Yes!!

The fastest way to solve this now that its been translated from gross math slang to true english is on the calculator using the wonderful (fnInt)  button. It would look like this typed in: MATH, fnInt (f(x), -2,1), which yields a final answer of  -4.5 , no approximations necessary. All in all, after practicing a few of these and learning to see the real question behind the information given, these types of problems are calculator friendly and should only take a few seconds to complete on the AP exam! As OB says, "DONE". 

If you are unlucky enough to get problems, like the final three examples from class today, that are non-calculator so (fnInt) isn't available...well that sucks...therefore, we will deal with those tomorrow.

HOMEWORK: Super Corrections for Quiz #2 (NB: grading will be different than usual, so don't focus on the original work and rather make sure your corrections are thorough and use multiple resources!)

Also, all IWs collected Friday of next week!

**The links from the last IW are now fixed and easily accesible. Answers to the last IW are also now available here.

Class 40 minutes:

VIP: Super Corrections due by 12:00am Friday the 1st!! Below are the new rules!

What can you look at graphically with velocity, position, and acceleration function together?

Make a spreadsheet: times vs. velocity vs. position vs. acceleration in a table.



Annotate it all together; make sure you don't forget to include the steps to getting the answer if you didn't have technology again. Add a SHORT part about what you did in the first 15 minutes. 

Class Work

The first thing to ask yourself when dealing with these problems in what do I know? For example, in the first problem you should note that the equation is the equation of a circle in disguise
BAM, circle. We also know that the definite integral is the area bound by the x-axis (gotten from rectangular sum). Going off these two concepts, we can set y equal to the height portion of the equation (  ) and solve as follows:

Now it is easier to see the circle connection. Therefore, the definite integral of the first problem is .

For the second problem, you have to solve without technology (yikes). A good guess would be 1.5, since everything from 2-3 cancels out due to the negative heights, which cannot be had, and the fact that the error from above and below cancel each other out, as discussed above when summing all the areas up:

Even though that was a non-technology problem, we used one to look at the canceling that was occurring, so Anna asked if it was possible to do these without one at all. What if the equation isn't a nice geometric one? Mr. O'Brien said you did, and that, again, fnInt is your best friend. However after solving the third question with this method, he admitted that he LIED and that we did not know how quite yet, but that we will know how to think cleverly, look for a possible graph, and determine how to add up all the area to get the definite integral sin technology in a few classes...oh joy!! ( -__- )

Here is the lie in action on camera, and OB showing how quickly and skillfully his fnInt method works for the third problem:

We finished class by looking at the exploration on page 283 and figuring out the answers as a class. Here's what we came up with, and a brief reason why. 
  1.  -2
  2.  0 (+, - cancel out)
  3.  1 (symmetry of sine)
  4.  2+2pi
  5. 4 (double area)
  6. 2 (shift over to 2, but go to 2+pi = no change)
  7. 0 (-a to a cancels)
  8. 4 (base times two ,length same)
  9. 0 (+1, -1 cancel)
  10. 0 (odd function, cancels out)
For a good reference for what may be in our future about how to find the definite integral manually, take a look at this extremely easy to understand video!

The next scribe will be Cole Ellison.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Scribe Post 1/29/13

Let's start off with today's goals:
 Recap the connection between acceleration, velocity, and speed.
 Understand a Riemann Sum 
 Begin to understand a definite integral 

Today we started class with Mr. O'Brien explaining the presence of a video camera in one corner of the room (he might be sending a video of our class in action as part of an application for the Presidential Teacher's Award). Also, Mr. Bode was supposed to visit our class, so to look extra smart, we considered devising a plan in which everyone raises their hand after every question (but the people with the right answer would have a code signal to show Mr. O'Brien who to call on).

We then took a 15 minute FRQ quiz on motion and the relationships between velocity, speed and acceleration (closed notes, calculator ok).

① After the quiz, we checked our answers to IW#5 (here are the answers!) and talked a little more about yesterday's AP Calculus Poll o' the Day.

Our class: 9 "True", 8 "False"
Period 4: 4 "True", 7 "False"

Why did we get different ratios? What's the right answer? Well, this is a "sometimes, always, never question". That is, sometimes when an object has a negative acceleration, it is slowing down,

From situation 4, IW#5, unit 4 (line refers to speed)

 and sometimes when the acceleration is positive, the object is slowing down too.

From situation 3, IW#5, unit 4 (line refers to speed)

* To be clear, when we say "slowing down", we mean the speed (that is, the absolute value of velocity) is decreasing.

② Next, we formed groups, and Mr. O'Brien handed out a worksheet called "Exploration of Riemann Sums". Some of us got a little stuck, so Mr. O'Brien asked, "Is there a middle school concept we need? Adding? Slope? NO!

distance = speed × time

*Oh, totally forgot that actually....

That allowed our class to complete sections a-d on the "Exploration of Riemann Sums" handout. Here are our answers (see descriptions in captions below).

"A car is traveling so that its speed is never decreasing during a 10-second
 interval. The speed at various moments in time is listed in the table [above]."

Note that despite getting slightly different values
 for the upper and lower estimates, all of the groups got
the same value (30 ft/sec)  for the error.... 

This is an example of how we arrived at
upper and lower estimates. For example,
to find the upper estimate, we assume
that the car can reach 36 ft/sec almost
instantaneously at 0 ft/sec, so the car
travels at approx. 36 ft/second over
nearly its entire interval. So, to get the
maximum distance (i.e. the upper
estimate, we add 2 seconds at 36 ft/sec
with 2 seconds at 40 ft/sec, etc., all the
way up until the 2 seconds at 60 ft/sec.
To get the lower estimate, we instead
assume that the car could jump from 30
 ft/sec to 36 ft/sec at the 2 second mark,
thus making the car travel at 30 ft/sec
for almost a complete 2 seconds
(instead of the faster 36 ft/sec for 2 sec
or a portion of the 2 sec between 0≤t≤2.

To understand Riemann Sums better, we looked at them graphically and analytically. 
So, we suggested plugging the points given to us by the first table in the "Exploration of Riemann Sums" handout into Geogebra and used the amazing polyfit to create a function to represent the car's speed over time. BUT, Mr. O'Brien had already done that. Actually, he made a whole applet. In any case, the graph we suggested looked like this: 

Coordinate points from "Exploration of Riemann Sums" handout graphed in
 Geogebra and connected using the polyfit function.

Mr. O'Brien wrote on the board: 

Somewhere on the graph is a visual representation of a Riemann Sum -- where would you find the Riemann Sum on the graph? 

Ground Rules: 
① Keep explanations to precalculus level
② No AP Physics bullying

Becca had an idea, so she went up to the board and drew this:
Graphic representation of the lower and upper estimates for the velocities over
 the allotted time intervals (i.e. 0-2 seconds, 2-4 seconds, 4-6 seconds, etc.) 

* The red line is the lower estimate for the velocity over the allotted time intervals, while the blue line is the upper estimate.

How did we arrive at this graph? Let's take, for example the interval of 0 ≤ t ≤ 2 (where t is time in seconds). For the lower estimate, you could assume that the car is traveling at 30 ft/sec starting at t=0 right up until just before the t=2 mark. At that point, the speed would have to shoot up to 36 ft/sec. For the upper estimate over the same time interval, you could assume that the instant just after t=0, the car's speed shoots up to 36 ft/sec from 30 ft/sec, thus the car would spend almost all of the two seconds between t=0 and t=2 at 36 ft/sec.

Then we were asked what else the red and blue lines represented. Gabe suggested that Becca drew two possible speed graphs. In other words, she drew two plausible speed functions. We talked about how there are an infinite number of plausible functions between the two estimates, and how to two represented on the board in red and blue BOUND the infinite other options (think Squeeze Theorem everyone!). ONE of the other plausible functions was the one we created with the polyfit line that connected all of the data points:

Graphic representation of the lower and upper estimates for the velocity over
 the allotted time intervals (i.e. 0-2 seconds, 2-4 seconds, 4-6 seconds, etc.) WITH one 
plausible speed function between the two boundaries (black line). 

This is probably a good time to talk about INTERVALS. In this problem, there are 5: Between 0-2, 2-4,  4-6, 6-8 and 8-10 seconds. It is important to note that having more intervals decreases the error. Imagine if there was only one interval for this problem (0-10 seconds). The error area would look like THIS!

Graphic representation of error (in pink) with 1 INTERVAL.  
Alternately, the fewer the intervals, the smaller and smaller the area those error boxes would become until, eventually, they would blend right in with the original polyfit line.

Back to the main question-- that is, where to find the visual representation of the Riemann Sum from the graph. The Phyzards clearly already know what's going on, so Duncan goes up to the board and tries giving us a hint, but Mr. O'Brien isn't cooperating too well. Still, before Mr. O'Brien can stop him, Duncan draws THIS!

Duncan's graph represents the Riemann Sum where 0  t  2.

Okay! So Duncan drew the original polyfit line, and then filled in all the space between the line and the x-axis in the interval 0  t  2. The SUM of the area he filled in is 2 (seconds) × a number between 30 and 36 (since the speed in ft/sec between 0  t ≤ 2 is somewhere between 30 and 36 according to the table we're given in the "Exploration of Riemann Sums" handout. Hmmmm... 2 × 30 = 60 and 2 × 36 =72. Wait, those were the lower and upper estimates for the distance traveled in the first two seconds! 

Then, Cal offers another hint: 
Basically, he says that if you add up the total area between the upper and lower estimate lines, you'll get the total error-- that is, the maximum amount the approximation could differ from the exact distance.

Close up (error in the light blue):

Graphic representation of error (in light blue)

At this point, the lightbulb went off. So! To find the Riemann sum from a graph, you have to figure out the (approximate) AREA of the space between the points on the original line and the x axis over the given interval of x values. In this way, you can find either extreme of the distance traveled, as you can either estimate that the car speeds up instantaneously after hitting each new interval, or that it stays at the speed for almost an entire interval before shooting up at the last minute (e.g. it stays at 30 ft/ sec for almost the entire 2 seconds over the interval 0≤ t ≤ 2).

ABOVE: Lower Riemann Sum = 416

ABOVE: Upper Rieman Sum = 476

In conclusion, the basic definition of a Riemann Sum (thanks wiki): "In mathematics, a Riemann sum is a method for approximating the total area underneath a curve on a graph, otherwise known as an integral." Foreshadow much? 


  •  At the end of class (the 80-minute period), Mr. O'B handed out IW#6.
  • Also, again, it might be a good idea to check out the Riemann Sum applet we used in class.
  • Since we didn't get to goal  today, we'll work on that tomorrow! P.s. check the 'definite integral' box in the Riemann Sum applet to see what's coming.

*****************************40 minute period (1/30/13)*****************************
Since we didn't get to this goal yesterday, today we worked on beginning to understand a definite integral.

For starters, we all went to this site to begin a discussion about what a definite integral is.

We talked even more about INTERVALS.  Again, the more intervals a graph has (number of intervals, by the way, is represented by the variable n in the Riemann sum applet), the more accurate the   Riemann sum is (i.e. the less error it has). The more intervals a graph has, the closer the Riemann sum over those particular intervals gets to the value of the definite integral. 

"If you want the actual true, precise distance that's traveled here, or the precise area that's underneath [this graph on this specific interval of x values], the first semester calc concept you need to take more and more and more rectangles is the..." 

LIMIT. That is, if you take the limit of a function as the number of rectangles (aka intervals) goes to infinity, you get the definite integral. Another way to think about the definite integral is the product of x and y, for a continuous function where the y value is not constant (i.e. the y value varies or changes).

Let's talk notation.

We already know that the notation for an indefinite integral a.k.a. an antiderivative is:

But, today we learned that the notation for a definite integral is different. It looks like this:

The a represents the lower limit, and the b represents the upper limit.

Later, we worked on how to find definite integrals using our calculators. Turns out, our calculators already have this function called fnInt, which finds the definite integral for you. Clearly, our class thought this was pretty neat:

TO-DO list:
FRQ supercorrection -- how's that graded?

  • are you using wolfram alpha?
  • are you using Geogebra (graphic, numeric, algebraic)?

Answers for FRQ SUPERCORRECTION (due Friday-- make sure to do this-- we'll learn to do the same problem using the fnInt function on our calculators in class!): 

a) -0.524
b) both correct! justify w/ v and v'
c) 2.387
d) 3.423

That's it for now! -Anna

P.s. Chelsea is the next scribe.

***********************************U P D A T E***********************************

Now that we all now about definite integrals, check out this cool applet to play around with definite integral properties. Be sure to check out the "Launch Presentation"button at the bottom of the page to make the applet a separate window!

Even months after learning about Riemann Sums, they're still useful to think about! However, now that we've gone over volume of revolution, we can think of a single slice of a Riemann Sum as the radius of a 3d object, rotate that radius (and the other radiuses of the other slices) around an axis, and come up with some pretty crazy looking three dimensional objects. If you still don't quite see the connection, check out Patrick JMT talking about the volume of revolution using the "washer" method (better known in OB's AP Calc as the "bagel-chip" method. Now, instead of slicing a two dimensional object to estimate the area under a curve, we're considering how to take a slice, use it as a radius, and figure out the volume of the area between two or more curves rotated around an axis!

Best of luck everyone!