Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012 - Deriv of Trig Inverses and more!!

Scribe post!
Friday October 26th, 2012

We started class by going over the last quiz, #3. O’B said that he was very proud and everyone did a great job! YAY! 

Quiz problems:

#1.) Very nicely done everyone!

#2.) Matching functions with derivatives. O’B said that this will again be on the quiz on Tuesday. Practice these problems by playing that fun game with the confetti! Remember  to not only pay attention to maximum and minimums but also to where the function is increasing and where it is decreasing. 

#3.) Good job on this one, just remember to not let the thetas throw you off. Use the quotient rule because there is no way to reduce the fraction.

#5.) Remember that velocity is the derivative of position and acceleration is derivative of velocity. Also, that speed is absolute value of instantaneous rate of change not average rate of change. 

#6.) O’B encouraged us to keep memorizing those trig derivatives! 

#7.) Just rise over run. 

#8.) This one is just straight up chain rule. 

BONUS: The trick for solving the bonus is that you have to use the product rule! It is a combination of product and chain rules, but use product rule first. O’B warned that on the next quiz it will not be a bonus, but just a regular question. 

O’B then went over some things that we should be memorizing. 
AKA how to spend your time in the shower:

  • Trig values - practice with quizlet!
  • Trig derivatives - all six! 
  • Quotient rule!
  • Product rule!
  • Chain rule!
  • Power rule
  • Definition of derivative as:
    • H --> 0
    • X--> c forms
  • UPDATE: Know the following bullet points too!!
  • Logax
  • a^x
  • 6 Inverse trig

Memorize and be relatively articulate for the test on Monday! 

We then did a quick little outline of what is going to happen in the next couple of weeks in AP calc. 

Remember that there is a quiz on Tuesday and finely crafted test on the following Monday!

O’B reminded us that he is going to be gone from Friday until Wednesday but will still be able to answer any questions through email or better yet, the questions google document. However, if you do ask a question while he is away, be sure to include the problem because he will not be bringing his textbook.

- - - - - 

We then conducted a finely crafted exponential and logarithmic investigation:

Our goal was to get inverse trig derivatives but first we started by remembering our inverses for trig functions.

Wolfram does it again. Helpful information about graphs, domains and ranges, and calculator inputs available in the link above. 

We then reviewed that helpful identity that states that

Wait for more
Inverse sin + inverse cos - pi/2
Same for sec and csc
Tan and cot

PG 175 #5  -- UPDATE: 

Gotta use a chain rule!

Derivatives for Trig inverses!! 


How did we get those though?

O'B went over an example of how to find the derivative of a trig inverse using Cosine. 

Memorize the derivatives for inverse sin, tan, and sec when needed and then remember that the others are just the negatives of the first three!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Exponential Exploration Link

U2 exponential deriv exploration.ggb

Scribe Post. 10/24.

We began class with a lovely 40-minute quiz covering IWs 1-7. Then Mr. O’Brien casually mentioned that the scribe was LEXI, but LEXI REFUSED. Thus, a new scribe had to be chosen–i.e. Alex W., who was absolutely thrilled to take the job. O’b mentioned that luckily it was an "easy" class because he had decided we would not go into the next topic (inverse trig function identities), so Alex W's immense burden was somewhat tempered.

After the quiz and the sudden shift in responsibility, we looked at the IW #8 sheet, which showed us how to find the derivative of a negative integer:


which makes "– n" a positive integer, and then we can use the power rule as we use it on positive numbers.

And, just like that, we realized that with the aid of the Powerful Power Rule, we could find the derivative of ANY rational function. That’s right: linear functions, exponential functions, sums, differences, products, quotients, trig functions, multiple functions chained together... you name it, we derive it.

But... aren’t we missing something? We can find the tangent lines of trig functions easy peasy. But what about the inverse of those functions??

We took a quick break to talk about the Exploration 3-9. Mr. O’Brien said that answers will be posted, but not until next class (as he would like us to Explore more thoroughly before discussion ensues).

After the update, we tackled question #5 of the IW.
Geometrically, why would

(a sphere) have a derivative of

 (the surface area)?
To better understand this, we can think of the surface area of the sphere as a super duper thin shell around the sphere. It only make sense, then, that the shell would grow with the volume. The change is instantaneous, and thus can be expressed as a derivative!

We moved on to #7, which looked at co-function identities...

CO-FUNCTION IDENTITIES! That's our new topic!
Buuuuut... let's lay off for a bit, chill-out, slow ride, take it eeeeasy...

Instead, since we were all clearly overwhelmed by the vast number of functions we were able to derive, we decide to look at inverse function (and how to derive those).

First of all, what is the inverse of a function? From Algebra 1 and 2 we know that to find the inverse, we solve for the "other" variable. For instance in the function we would merely state "x" in terms of "y": 
or in function notation, Note that the "y" value has now 

become an  "x". The variable really doesn't matter. Heck, it could even be "w" for all we care. Ha! What a ridiculous letter...

Anyway, to really truly get an accurate idea of what an inverse means, we must perform that strange, ancient ritual known as "graphing". 

The graph shows us that a function and its inverse have symmetry over the y=x axis. This means that a point on the function, (1, 2) for instance, will swap its "x" and "y" values to be the symmetrical point on the inverse function [making our example point (2,1)].

But that is algebra, and we're in Calculus. AP Calculus. We are the ELITE! So let's apply this to calc.

Mr. O'b started us out by asking this question: How does the tangent line of f(x) compare to the inverse of that tangent line?

Crockett piped up, telling us that since tangent is y/x, or rise over run, the inverse is x/y, or run over rise. Which is legit, but not complicated enough.

So, Mr. O'Brien wrote it "More Formally":
"If f and g are inverses, then f(g(x)) = x"
This is because inverses have a tendency to cancel each other out, seeing as they are reciprocals:

Since by their natures, they undo each other, the answer is just whatever they are multiplied by [in the case of f(g(x)), that would be "x"].

During this segment came the comparison to Dr. Seuss' "Sneetches", courtesy of Will.

Sneetch Video
Start at 4:15 to see the machine, and start at 7:00 if you just want to see the inverse. However, I recommend watching the whole thing because there is a valuable lesson to be learned about prejudice.
"Star on, star off", so to speak.

Getting back to our More Formal Function, f(g(x))=x, we must find the derivatives of both sides in order to evaluate the derivative of the whole. The derivative of the right side here is easy, as the derivative of x is 1. However, that f(g(x)) is pretty daunting if we're trying to take the derivative... Or is it? Two words: Chain. Rule. BAM!

Using the chain rule, we can find that   (note that the right side of this equation is the reciprocal of g'(x), as f' simply indicates the function must be reciprocated.)

If we go back to the very first inverse function example of   which has a reciprocal of . This time, we want to evaluate the function at (1,2), meaning the derivative at (2,1). We can convert that to an exponential form and take the derivative. But are you looking at that thing? That's got a cube root on it! We need something extra potent to conquer this function. What about two extra powerful derivative rules working TOGETHER? Could it be? The Powerful Power Rule AND Chain Rule?! Yes!!!

That's hot. Let's plug something in and rev this baby up!

I'm drooling.

But another issue is arising... what happens if getting the inverse isn't so easy?

The Bluester Cluester gave us the following problem:
Task: find  at x=3

Sadly, solving for "x", the customary way to find the inverse, is impossible (or at least terribly taxing. Look at all the exponents!)

Therefore, we must look to the other piece of information we were given. What did we set out to do in the first place? Why, find the inverse of the derivative of the inverse at x=3! Let's swap that x=3 and make it y=3 because of the nature of inverses. If we know y=3, the entire problem simply becomes a polynomial to simplify:

If we bring across the 3 from the left to the right, and then use the polynomial rule we learned about last year, we can guess and check with just a few factors to find that x=1.

Now lets take the derivative of , which is  and then substitute in 3 (because we're finding the function at x=3) to get the answer of 1/4.

That was all.

I haven't found much in the way of helpful links as of yet, but if you want to hear a boring-sounding lady explain a simplified version of how to get the derivative of an inverse function, click here.


After we read the scribe posts and determined that Alex C's font was, in scientific terms, microscopic, Mr. O'b made a confession.

The "proof" he had written for the first part of problem 2 of IW# 8 proved NOTHING. It seemed to magically convert the given form to the desired one:

He explained that because he is such a rock star/god-figure, we sometimes fail to question his infinite wisdom. However, this was one case in which the working was not quite enough to prove anything. 
Here's a blurry picture of the real thing!

The scribe for Friday will be Lexi Doudera.

Another thought about the chain rule: if the "chain" consists of just a function and its inverse, you needn't do any work, since the two functions cancel each other out (leaving only the affected expression behind.)

No matter how complicated that inside expression is, it will always just be itself once the function does and undoes it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Scribe Post 10/22

UPDATE: Check out this awesome link, which gives a very clear explanation of implicit differentiation and includes a great applet! The bottom of the page will be very helpful if you're doing some last minute studying for the 11/5 exam, give it a look!

In addition, here's a cool calculator, powered by the geniuses at Wolfram, that can help check implicit differentiation work. Stuck on some IW's? It just might save you...

My scribe post got very messed up when I published it...all latex equations came up completely blank, so I had to find a way to improvise. Here's a link to the post in PDF format, everything should be there. Really sorry about the inconvenience. 


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Scribe Post. 10/18

Today in class Mr. O'B calmed everyone down by telling us to not stress about the quiz, because as long as you don't consistently bomb every quiz during the quarter, the grades won't effect you too much. Next we took a look at  Caleb's Scribe Post from the previous class. Next we learned the best news we've received in class all year. There is an answer book that show the work to every problem. And Mr. O'B owns it! Although you can't take this book out of class, you can come in after school, during study halls, or take a peak at it during class. We are reminded although it has the solution and the work for the solution to every problem its not always the best way to get to the solution.
Heres a nice picture of the glamorous book.

Then we took a look at the Questions for Class, there were so many but the awesome thing is that Mr. O'B answered every single question on there. Go on and take a look and surely everything will now make since to you. Heres the link Questions for Class. Also while looking at those we saw that another student answered as -a friend, on their. Mr. O'B of course being a busy man would probably love if classmates would answer questions for other classmates, if you do so you get a nice little IOU. So monitor that site cause I know I'm always looking for some help!

Next we took the 2nd Quiz of the 2 Unit of the Quarter. That ended around 10:30 and we were off to looking at some new material. 

Written on the board was:

Problem: I know how to take the derivative of the square root function and I know how to take the derivative of a linear function. I can take the derivative of their sum or difference and even of their product or quotient. But how do I take the derivative of their composition?? I mean, whats ?!?!!? Bluester with a smile on his face whispered SOL a couple of times... which if I am correct= sh*t out of luck

Then we went over to the other side of the board and saw that Mr. O'B had written down some equations on the board during the class. Written was problem #43 from IW#6. 


Suddenly we were stopped. We know the derivative of cos and we know the derivative of 2x, for this problem. But this was the Damien Rule Tricker. If you use the Damien rule its powerful but doesn’t allow you to take the derivative rule. We were than told walking out today we can find the derivative of every single function. Exponential and logarithmic are the only ones we can’t take derivative algebraically. Then we were appointed to the Chain Rule!
The Chain rule is huge! In words the Chain Rule states is The derivative of the OUTER function evaluated at the INNER function times the derivative of the INNER function. Heres a link to a video about the rule, from our friend PatrickJMT
Also here is a picture proof for the chain rule.
http://www.onemathematicalcat.org/NAU/Calc1_MAT136/indexCards/card23.jpg don't want to plagiarize so here

Now going back to #43 from IW #67 using the Chain Rule 

We saw that 

Then we tried the chain rule with the question from U2Q2 #5

   At x=1

Now we can reduce that down to 

Then since x=1 we plug in 1 

Final Answer: 

Next we looked at U2Q2 #6

This is a composite function. 

Now into the trusty chain rule invented by Sir Issac Newton

Now reduced down to 

Then we did another example heres a little image to show the step of the example.

After viewing these different examples of the chain rules, you see that this is a much better method then the quotient rule, you are more likely to make a mistake when you use the quotient rule. Things to always remember with the chain rule is to always take the derivative of the chain of g(x) thats has to be multiplied there, thats a common mistake. Appreciate these rules because now we don't have to use the limit definitions!

To end the class we found another crafty way to show the chain rule in Leibniz notation, if
 and , then


 is evaluated at 

It is like the  cancel away in this notation.
During the class of 10/19 we went over a couple of notes here are the pictures. 
These pictures are both from #23 on IW #7, on the top its the example of how to go about it and on the bottom picture its actually the work to do it. 
Also below is another version of the same problem worked out on the board, pretty much written the same exact way just another visual thats bigger to read. 
After this we worked on our IW's individually for the rest of class. 

At this point the bell had rung and it was the end of class and the IW#7 for today is p. 158/15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 29, 33, 39, 53, 55, 58, 72, 73

Post the questions up if your having problems and who knows maybe someone will get an IOU, win win sit

Scribe for next Red Day 80 minute class. A Crans!

Update: If you are still struggling with the chain rule on the quizzes or the homework and want to take a look at a nice example before the quiz, this LINK is the one that you will want to watch. It gives an easy to follow example of the chain rule with all the work being displayed with commentary that is very nice and professional. 
We have seen a lot for chain rules throughout the quarter with different material, but as lately we have been using a lot of  lately in the IW's, here is an example we did on the board using the new